Free Screening

Let’s meet and take a look at the possibilities!

Free screenings are conducted via Zoom. You will be given a selection of times to choose from — if you can’t find one that works, please email or text and we will find a time that works for you! Screenings are booked to be 15 minutes, but sometimes do run over, so you may want to plan for 30 minutes just in case. 

If you’re curious about costs of Kim’s services, please don’t hesitate to schedule your screening. Kim offers services for all budgets and, in addition, has payment plans as well as some access to scholarship funds available for those who need a session but are not currently in a position to pay for one. Ask during your screening call for options.

Kimberly Beer | | 816-738-3222 cell

Kim specializes in guiding you to create the synchronicities that will change your life.